Local Stays

- Yearly membership for $50 - an essential add on for your Mighty experience

Experience New Zealand like a true blue kiwi. Mighty has crafted Local Stays with your New Zealand journey in mind.

Add Local Stays to your booking, and you'll receive a yearly membership for only $50. This membership is a win-win add on for any Mighty camper that comes with a toilet & shower.

Local Stays, powered by Okay2Stay allows you to park your campervan overnight for free at selected places across New Zealand, and buy local food & wine.

Find out more information on the Local Stays product here.

Membership Benefits:
Connect. Get off the tourist trail and avoid the crowds. Connect with local artisan and gourmet producers. Meet real Kiwis.
Stay. Free overnight parking for your self-contained campervan in safe, friendly surroundings. (One night only, no utilities provided).
Experience. Taste fresh, locally grown produce, purchase world-famous wines, oils and gourmet condiments, visit less well-known sights and experiences.

Please note, that only Mighty campervans with a toilet & shower can be used and the hosted locations do not provide electricity. Thus, to take advantage of this unique opportunity select any of our shower & toilet campers, including the Deuce, Deuce Plus, Highball, Double Down, Double Up or Big Six.

How to Book

To book your Local Stays membership simply select the Local Stays add-on when you book your campervan online, or give us a call!